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3 Questions to Ask Your Painting Contractor in Salisbury, MD.

When you have a painting contractor come out to look at the work you need done on your home you expect that they know what they are doing and have the ability to meet your service needs. Here are some questions you can ask to make sure you are making the right hiring decision.

1. Do you have references?

What better way to know if the company you're potentially going to hire has a history of happy customers and can vouch for their character.

Nowadays, I find that people don't ask this as much as they used to.....probably because we have review systems online such as Google reviews and Facebook reviews. Click on the links to see ours.

We have even taken it a step further and ask if our clients our comfortable giving a video testimonial. You may see someone you know or hear something that might help you make your hiring decision.

2. Are you insured?

Let's face it, there shouldn't be too much damage a painter can cause......but.....accidents can and do happen so you should always have the peace of mind that your contractor is insured for any damages.

In the Navy, we had our scheduled PM checks (Preventative Maintenance) to perform so that we would greatly minimize Corrective Maintenance. Same thing applies with painting. Protecting surfaces and adhering to safety steps will greatly reduce any unwanted occurrences.

In my 12 years as a painting contractor, I am proud to say I have never had an insurance claim against me.

3. How far out are you booked?

You want to make sure the work can be done in the timeframe you are seeking. It's not uncommon for a contractor to be booked out a couple months, sometimes more. Plan your estimates ahead of time just in case this happens with the painters you choose to have work on your home.

A tip for interior painting: Winter time tends to be the slow period since most exterior painting is on hold. Planning interior painting during this time can be beneficial for both you and the painting company.

You can book your estimate with us HERE!

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