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Painting over oil based paint with Oil Bond Additive.

Can I paint latex over oil? (I personally prefer the terms water based over oil based.)

That has been "THE" question for the longest time, and the answer has always been no, not without an oil based primer as an intermediate coat.

Latex Agent has developed a product called Oil Bond that is a latex paint additive and it assists in the bonding of latex paint directly over an oil based paint. Through a company called Blogging Painters, I have had the opportunity to test sample some different products and this product has been one of those.

Duration Exterior with Oil Bond Additive

It wasn't long before I had the chance to try it out. I came across an exterior door frame that had an old yellowing oil base finish on it. I forgot to take before pictures on this one but you can see the old oil base finish on the sliding door in the photo, I was only asked to repaint the frame.

When I returned to the same customers house a couple months later to do more work, I tested the surface with my fingernail and the paint bond was very tight.

ProClassic with Oil Bond Additive

The work I returned to this customers house for had the same oil based paint used on an interior door frame. Now I was going to get a chance to use Oil Bond with an interior paint.

You can see the finished results in the picture on the left, but the real test is in the bond strength that the water based paint has on top of the existing oil based paint, so I made a short video for you of me doing a fingernail test 2 days after the 1 coat was put on.

Here is the video:

I would feel confident to use the Oil Bond additive in the future on oil base to water base conversions. This is an independent review by me and I was not asked to provide this by Latex Agent.

If you or anyone you know would like to know more about this process or have work done in your home, please contact Danny at Arey Painting. 410-341-0605

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