How to fix a stress crack in Salisbury, MD.
As the world turns. Wasn't that a soap opera? The earth is always moving, whether it be spinning, shifting, or shaking. Merriam-Webster...
Painting a room for $150 is just SPOOKY!
Let's look into this a bit. Is paint included? A standard room that is 10x12x8 has approximately 352 sq/ft of wall space minus window...
How much does it cost to paint my bedroom in Salisbury, MD?
​ I lost track of how many times I've heard someone say, "I don't know how you do it, I do not have the patience for painting." I get it....
What sheen should I use to paint my interior in Salisbury, MD?
Flat, Dead Flat, Matte, Eggshell, Low Lustre, Pearl, Satin, Medium Lustre, Semi-gloss, Gloss. There certainly is not a lack of choices...
How can I clean up paint that fell on my carpet from my DIY project?
Mistakes happen. We are not perfect. Even when we do our best to cover everything, there is still a slight chance of our...
Best way to remove wallpaper in Salisbury, MD
Wallapaper removal can be best summed up in one word........PATIENCE! If you don't have it, you may have a difficult time ahead of you. ...
Video Testimonials for Painting in Salisbury, Maryland
Peacock Residence: Hi, this is Danny with Arey Painting and I'm here with Susan Peacock. How are you doing today, Mrs. Peacock? Very...