How to tell if I have oil or latex paint on my walls and/or trim?
For simplicity, the term "latex" will be used in this article to describe water based paint because it is the most commonly used term. ...
How much does it cost to paint a kitchen in Salisbury, MD?
A kitchen is the heart of a home. Your greatest memories will happen in the kitchen. The aroma of a Sunday meat sauce passed down...
How much does it cost to paint my bathroom in Salisbury, MD?
​ Not all bathrooms are equal, but most of them have a lot in common.....Obstacles!! Tiolets, Cabinets, Showers, Mirrors, Light...
How much does it cost to paint my bedroom in Salisbury, MD?
​ I lost track of how many times I've heard someone say, "I don't know how you do it, I do not have the patience for painting." I get it....